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Is Creativity a Hard or Soft Skill?

“Your weapons. You will not need them.” – Yoda, Star Wars According to Linkedin, creativity is the most important skill in the world. Creativity is not merely a gift; it is a skill that can be learned and taught. But … Continue reading


Impressions from SXSW 2019

Pretending to be able to sum up a conference with 600+ sessions is hubris. But throughout the sessions that I attended (30 or so), I tried to identify patterns, motifs that repeat themselves. One of the reasons that makes SXSW … Continue reading


The Five Criteria to Develop a Culture of Innovation

If you ask managers, employees or executives whether they want to work in a company that has a culture of innovation, most will say yes. Why does this sound so attractive? Innovation is associated with rapid success, disruptive innovation and … Continue reading


Failure — Driver for Creativity

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” – Scott Adams   Is failure a mandatory step in achieving mastery? This is the question that art historian and curator Sarah Lewis examines in her … Continue reading


The Transforming Power of Play

What if there was a way to turn things you dread into games? Former philosophy professor Antanas Mockus had an intriguing and wildly successful idea to do just that when he was elected Mayor of Bogota, Columbia, in 1995. One … Continue reading


How Art Can Help to De-stress at Work

Did you know that US workers are considered the most overworked in the developed world? According to a Forbes article, we work longer hours and have more stress-related illnesses than Europe and Japan. On top of that, the holiday season … Continue reading


The Ogre Inside Us All

We all have an ogre inside us who enjoys telling us that we are not creative and not good enough. According to author Simon Banks, the path towards innovation starts with battling that ogre and the negative stories it tells … Continue reading